7 Pot Primo Orange seeds

Product description
The legendary 7-Pod (7 pot) series comes from Trinidad and there are many different versions, including the 7 Pot Primo Red, 7 Pot White and the 7 Pot Douglah Brown. It is related to the Scorpion pepper Red and has a rough skin, with a ribbed texture and a more fruity taste.

Introduced in 2007, this pepper has yellow, brain-shaped fruits with extreme heat! This Trinidad 7 pod Brain Strain Yellow is similar to the red 7 Pot Primo Red, but has more of a tropical hue, with a taste more like pineapple.

They ripen from green to orange/deep yellow and have bumpy skin. One of the hottest in the world with a Scoville of over 1.4 million! It is said that a single pepper can spice 7 pots of stew. To increase the chances of good germination, a constant compost temperature of 28° - 30° is recommended. Germination can be slow, taking three weeks or more. Plants can reach 1 meter in height.

Warning: Using this pepper requires extreme caution. Wear hand, eye and breathing protection.

7 Pot Primo Orange

€ 3,29
  • This product is currently unavailable

Seeds in pack:  10
Heat level:  Extreme
Scoville units:  800.000 - 1.000.000  
Species:  Capsicum chinense

Product description
The legendary 7-Pod (7 pot) series comes from Trinidad and there are many different versions, including the 7 Pot Primo Red, 7 Pot White and the 7 Pot Douglah Brown. It is related to the Scorpion pepper Red and has a rough skin, with a ribbed texture and a more fruity taste.

Introduced in 2007, this pepper has yellow, brain-shaped fruits with extreme heat! This Trinidad 7 pod Brain Strain Yellow is similar to the red 7 Pot Primo Red, but has more of a tropical hue, with a taste more like pineapple.

They ripen from green to orange/deep yellow and have bumpy skin. One of the hottest in the world with a Scoville of over 1.4 million! It is said that a single pepper can spice 7 pots of stew. To increase the chances of good germination, a constant compost temperature of 28° - 30° is recommended. Germination can be slow, taking three weeks or more. Plants can reach 1 meter in height.

Warning: Using this pepper requires extreme caution. Wear hand, eye and breathing protection.

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